At Baku GLS, we train all our drivers in sustainable driving techniques.
Using the MAN ProfiDrive® programme as our foundation, we give all of our drivers the skills they need to reduce our fuel costs and keep our carbon footprint as small as possible. It’s part of our commitment to deliver excellence in all that we do.
The Environmental Benefits of Sustainable Driving
At Baku GLS, we’re especially aware of the environmental impact of the transport industry, and we’re constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. When it comes to fuel efficiency, any positive change – even if it’s only a few percentage points – can make a big difference to our long-term impact on the environment, so we always invest in brand new trucks, and we give our drivers the tools they need to drive these trucks as sustainably as possible.
What are Sustainable Driving Techniques?
Sustainable driving is all about getting the maximum amount of miles of distance out of every litre of fuel burned. When an HGV driver knows how to coast, accelerate and brake in an efficient way, they can lower the fuel cost of a journey, and the subsequent carbon footprint that goes with it. Every truck is different, and it’s important to know the most economical way to drive the truck you’re piloting. For instance, the latest MAN TGX trucks are equipped with sustainable features like adaptive cruise control, intelligent gearbox and emergency brake assist technology; to make the most of each feature, drivers need to be shown how they work, and how to adjust their driving style to match the road conditions they’re facing. That’s what much of MAN’s ProfiDrive® programme is all about.
What is the MAN ProfiDrive® programme?
We use MAN trucks in our business, so we follow the ProfiDrive® programme, which is supported by MAN and designed to match the unique features of their trucks. The ProfiDrive® system takes into account many different factors, including:
- Intelligent braking
- Efficient cruise (coasting)
- Acceleration
- In-cab climate control
- Fuel efficiency monitoring
- Accident response
Supporting our people. Making the most of our machines.
MAN’s ProfiDrive® programme goes beyond sustainability; it also covers driver safety, emergency conduct, anti-smuggling and anti-crime best practice and even national tachograph regulations. Our Driver Trainer Donna Whelan is qualified to teach the ProfiDrive® programme to our drivers and keeps us up-to-date on the latest driver training developments.
Find out more about Baku’s training process – visit Driver Training & Screening